Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Jewels by Jules

cabacurl - This is some of the jewelry you wanted to see - I have been making it under the label jewels by jules, but haven't been doing much lately as i got RSI from it!!!! I really like pearls, ethnic and recycled glass beads.

The ones that look like wood are actually made from coconuts and shell money. Am going to a village on Friday to see them making shell money so will post those photos on the weekend.


Anonymous said...

Nice, if a man can say that. You have other talents, I see.

CaBaCuRl said...

Thank you so much Jules...they are gorgeous, especially the glass and the turquoise ones...fab!!Do you have any plans to use your beach glass in your creations? I understand how you would get RSI...not good hey!

Anonymous said...

Jules these are just brilliant. How clever you are but it's a shame about the rsi. I think the pearls are my favourites but the beads are beautiful too.

SweetPea said...

What a clever name "jewels by Jules" I love it, and your work is absolutely beautiful.

Squirrel said...

I have been looking at your blogs and am enjoying this intro to Rabaul... this jewelry is really nice!!

Jules said...

Hi All
I keep forgetting I have this blog and only just found your comments!!!!

• Eliane • said...

I love the watch! How cute!!! You know, I have visited a store selling beads recently (see here). And since then, I've been contemplating creating my own little necklace. I may have questions. you may have to tutor me. ;)

Jules said...

eliane - it is very easy so if you need a hand just yell!!!!

Maria Verivaki said...

beautiful jewelry, thanks for sharing this